5th Grade Social Studies
The lessons below are aligned to current Idaho content standards as documented in the course map for this class.
Social Studies 5A
Lesson 1: Let the Voyage Begin!
Lesson 2: Native American Civilizations - Who Was Here First?
Lesson 3: Discovering the New World
Lesson 4: 1st Permanent Settlements
Lesson 5: Colonial America - A Nation in the Making
Lesson 6: Wanna Trade?
Lesson 7: Take Me to Your Leader
Lesson 8: The Battle for Britain!
Lesson 9: No More King!
Lesson 10: The Shot Heard ‘Round the World
Lesson 11: A Leader Rises
Lesson 12: The War is Raging all Around Me
Lesson 13: With Liberty and Justice for All
Lesson 14: We Hold These Truths…
Lesson 15: Wagons Ho!
Lesson 16: Trail of Tears
Social Studies 5B
Lesson 1: The Civil War
Lesson 2: Industrial Revolution
Lesson 3: Geography
Lesson 4: Northeastern Region
Lesson 5: Southern Region
Lesson 6: Central Region
Lesson 7: Western Region
Lesson 8: Governments
Lesson 9: The US Constitution
Lesson 10: Bill of Rights
Lesson 11: Federal, State, Tribal
Lesson 12: Political Office
Lesson 13: Economics
Lesson 14: Personal Finance
Lesson 15: International Trade
Lesson 16: US and the World