3rd Grade Science
The lessons below are aligned to current Idaho content standards as documented in the course map for this class.
Science 3A
Lesson 1: Pushes, Pulls, and Motion
Lesson 2: Strength, Speed, and Direction
Lesson 3: Investigating Force
Lesson 4: Pattern of Motion
Lesson 5: Friction
Lesson 6: Static and Magnetic Interactions
Lesson 7: Magnetism is a Force
Lesson 8: Magnets and Materials
Lesson 9: Magnetic Poles
Lesson 10: Problem Solving with Magnets
Lesson 11: Seasons
Lesson 12: Climate
Lesson 13: Earth's Climate Zones
Lesson 14: Weather Data
Lesson 15: Weather Hazards
Lesson 16: Extreme Weather
Science 3B
Lesson 1: Extreme Weather
Lesson 2: Engineering for Extreme Weather
Lesson 3: Life Cycles
Lesson 4: Animal and Plant Life Cycles
Lesson 5: Belonging to a Group
Lesson 6: Group Survival
Lesson 7: Physical Traits
Lesson 8: Inherited Traits
Lesson 9: Trait Variations
Lesson 10: Evidence of Inherited Traits
Lesson 11: Analyze Data
Lesson 12: Investigating Plant Growth
Lesson 13: Environment and Animal Traits
Lesson 15: Physical & Behavioral Traits of Chimps